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detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have goTrack-Info  R         ne wrong,and where the programming is not as good as it could be.Such as the really slow sprite routine,and the scrappy detection routines.Well at least next time the programming will have improved.I dedicate this game to me,because I deserve it.When my game is loading the screen buffer it makes a long whining noise due to all the 0's.So to stop this I have inserted this really interesting message.This is my first ever machine code game.Looking back I can see where I have gone wrong,and where the programmi<~F|~~~cccc000000?0000888888 0`~~~~|aa137< 0``````888880PW_8ZY ZYH'  P pp 0HG eX_g5ehhhhX*HOT__d yy&P'%&&/Udd ``t. .t <>~pxxp@px<<>~p8<<<||000pp>>>>~|xx~80>?#8pC~cw]kcccc337>8```````c<>?#8pC| 0 xx83O_/'0  !!#x JHH'//R/> |pp P'_XPP 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